Monday, December 31, 2007

Slide Shows

I was having trouble with the slideshow on my other blog so I used the "Help" menu. Someone posted the link to the site. Creating a slide show from there was a piece of cake. They have preset designs and templates. It was easy to uploaded the photos of my red leather couch - enjoy the results.

Check out my Slide Show!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Week 3, Thing 7

Blog about anything technology related .... Hmmm, where to start. I'd be lost without my PDA and cell phone (just waiting for the price of the Treo to come down), not to mention the time I spend on the computer every day. I love that it is so easy to use Flickr and share photos with friends and family. I can see how our students might use some of the Flickr tools to create posters and/or trading cards of their favorite books. Or they could use Flickr mashups for their school projects - especially my 6th graders on their biome reports. I imagine they could create trading cards for the animals found on their biome along with the links for the food chain.

I enjoy downloading my favorite radio shows to my Mp3 player so I can listen to them uninterrupted while walking the dog. So many of my students have IPods that I encourage them to download audio books - I hope to start creating podcasts of booktalks that they will be able to access.

Technology has changed our way of presenting and sharing information with others - especially our students.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

More Flickr Fun

Week 3, Thing 6

I've been playing with Flickr 3rd party sites. So much so that my husband is ready to take the computer away from me. From someone who didn't know how to turn on a computer about 20 years ago, I'm the one running the library network at school, using Power Point for lessons, ordering for the library online and conducting all of our home banking online. I'm fairly comfortable on the computer, but didn't know all that the web had to offer. All it took was a gentle nudge and some time to explore.

I've uploaded my photos for this project from those on my computer. It seems that when I uploaded my kitchen remodel photos to Flickr, I used up all of the aloted free space. I'm not sure I want to pay for the upgrade at this point. I did however, start another blog on the remodel (even though we're finished) and was able to upload a slideshow of the photos taken before, during and after, along with pictures from someone else's kitchen. I'm trying to figure out how to configure the slideshow to include only our pictures. I also can't figure out how to reorder the photos to put them in sequential order - any suggestions?

Friday, December 28, 2007

Week 3, Thing 5

Without realizing it, I found I had a Flickr account. My sister shares her photos via Flickr. So, after looking through almost 700 of her photos, I remembered this picture I took about 2 years ago. I took it to illustrate just how far $1000 dollars would go when purchasing books. To be fair, the books were ordered shelf ready from Bound To Stay Bound. But I still find it depressing to see how little $1000 buys.

I just thought of another use for Flickr. We just completed a kitchen remodel and my friends want to see pictures. Uploading them to Flickr and sending them the link would be a whole lot easier than sending them as an attachment via email.

Thank you School Library Learning 2.0 for introducing me to yet another fun internet tool.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Week 2, Thing 3

This is too much fun. I thought I'd spend about an hour or so discovering each activity before trying to complete anything. I can see now that I'll have to limit my time spent online and keep my computer plugged in. This is way too addictive and I'm hooked!!! Thank you team 2.0 for creating an easy way to learn how to use this technology. My blog is set up and my avatar created - I'm ready to roll....

Week 1, Thing 2

I think I'm really going to like this type of tutorial. Knowing that I can gain knowledge from anywhere is a plus. 7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners was just the start.

At first I thought Habit #3: View problems as challenges would be a difficult habit for me to acquire. After looking over the list again, I've decided that Habit #7: Teach & mentor others is the one that will be most challenging. I have no problem sharing what I've learned with small groups or individuals, but heaven help me if I have to get up in front of a group of adults (my peers) to teach or present a topic. I'm the one manning the keyboard while someone else does the presentation.

On the flip side, Habit #5: Create your own learning toolbox comes fairly easily to me. I'm an organized person and can usually find what I'm looking for. If not, I have no problem asking for help and have a list of people to call on should I need to. After all, I have the entire CSLA 2.0 Team cheering me on.

On to the next step - creating an avatar

The beginning - CSLA Library Learning 2.0

Ok, I've done it - committed myself to Library Learning 2.0. I'm somewhat of a procrastinator seeing as how I planned to complete this tutorial during the summer, but my red couch kept calling my name, and there were so many books to read. The list of excuses (reasons) goes on and on. So, here I am during Winter Break determined to apply myself to this project. I'm creating this blog to keep track of my progress.